March 5th, 2025 (5th Ramadhan 1446)

Prayer Times

Daylight Savings Time starts in 4 days on Sunday March 09 at 02:00 and clocks go forward 1 hour. Prayer times will be adjusted automatically.



Eve of 6th Mahe Ramadhan
5:30 PM - Ladies Darsa/Reflection
5:30 PM - Kids Tilawah and Hifz
6:30 PM - Sura Kawthar by MuhammadHassan Khaki
6:43 PM - Maghribain Namaaz
7:05 PM - Iftaar (N.Y. Style Cart food)
7:35 PM - Gents Darsa
7:55 PM - Dua Iftitah by Zishan Gulamhussien
8:15 PM - Majlis by Sheikh Wael El-Zein
8:50 PM - Ziyarat

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