Project Orange Update

December 21, 2024

On this auspicious occasion of the birth anniversary of our lady of light, Bibi Fatema Zahra (A.S), we would like to inform you that we have received county approval for our building plans. We received the site plan approval earlier this year and have completed the site work necessary to start the building construction. With this building approval, Alhamdulillah we will be able to start the building construction early in 2025. Our construction team has already started preparing for the construction with our General Contractor.

With feedback from the County, as well as various members during and after general meetings, we have finalized the building plans as seen below. With the beginning of building construction, our need for available funds increases significantly as the general contractor has the construction scheduled for completion in around 12 months. On this auspicious day, please make your pledges and donate by the end of the year to take advantage of the end of Tax year savings too. We pray on this day that for the sake of the lady of light, Bibi Fatema Zahra (A.S), Allah SWT bless this project to continue smoothly and bless us all with the Tawfiq to contribute to the maximum towards it. Ameen.


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